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Our performance

We plan the work we will deliver each year and regularly monitor, review and report on our performance in a variety of formats.

As a publicly-funded agency, we are required to publish our plans and report to the Scottish Government and the Scottish public on our performance.

We monitor progress against the Annual Operating Plan via a series of quarterly corporate and annual performance reports during the year. We included a number of performance measures in the Annual Operating Plan and the quarterly reports show our progress in achieving the targets set by these performance measures.

Reporting on our progress

We produce a range of reports that explain how well we are delivering our priorities.

See how we progressed against our performance measures in the 2024-2025 Quarter 3 Performance Report.

Our performance across a range of areas can also be viewed in our Chief Executive’s Report for February.

A partial HTML version of our Annual Report for 2023-2024 is available. 

Regulation reports

Each year we publish a report on enforcement action we have taken. In 2018 we moved to a regulation report that summarised out compliance and enforcement activities.

Further reports are available on request, please contact us.

Improving our own sustainability

Expenditure, purchasing and employee remuneration

If you have any questions about our performance or require any of these publications in an alternative format, please contact us.