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Your search found '94' results of type: 'News release' --- Currently showing page 2 of 16 pages (6 results per page)

SEPA suspend waste licence as part of enhanced package of enforcement action at Kilwinning battery fire site

27 May 2024

Scotland’s environmental regulator have suspended the Waste Management Licence belonging to the operator of the Kilwinning battery recycling site where a major fire broke out on 8th April 2024 - meaning no waste can be accepted, stored or treated by the company.

Environmental DNA offers a potentially powerful new tool for assessing nature in Scotland

24 May 2024

The key to assessing Scotland’s ecological health and supporting nature conservation could lie in the analysis of environmental DNA, scientists have found.

Motherwell pupils' campaign drives home the clean air message

14 May 2024

A clear air campaign by pupils at St Brendan’s and Muirhouse primary schools is targeting drivers to help cut pollution in the area.

SEPA publish first Water Scarcity Report of summer 2024

10 May 2024

Week in, week out across the summer period, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) report on water environment resilience to support key sectors like agriculture, tourism, and food and drink - helping businesses be assured, or have early visibility of and time to adapt to potential emerging water scarcity.

Harmless pollen deposits identified on coastlines around Scotland

10 May 2024

The mystery of a paint-like substance spotted by members of the public on coastlines around Scotland has been solved by scientists from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

SEPA set out actions for next 12 months

30 April 2024

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have published their 2024-25 Annual Operating Plan, detailing how they will protect and improve Scotland’s environment over the next 12 months.