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ENVA Composting Site, Blantyre

The ENVA compositing site accepts green waste, primarily from Local Authority food and garden waste bin collections, which is treated through an in-vessel composting process. The process is odorous and has resulted in impact to local communities.

The site is authorised, regulated and inspected by SEPA and operates within the terms of a permit granted under the Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012.

SEPA take complaints of odour from this site seriously and are actively working with the operator to address the issues and secure compliance.

Latest update

On-site treatment of waste

Date published: 24 April 2024

From 1 April 2023 ENVA have ceased treating waste on-site. However, mixed biodegradable (food and garden) and green (garden) waste continues to be accepted for bulking and transport to alternative sites for treatment.

The proposed improvement works include:

  • enclosure of the maturation shed
  • installation of an Aerated Static Pile (ASP) system in the maturation shed, and treatment of air via a new bio-filter
  • upgrades to the existing composting vessels (IVCs)
  • Upgrades to other site infrastructure

SEPA continue to consider these infrastructure upgrade proposals to be in line with Best Available Techniques (BAT) to manage odour on a composting site.

What we have done

Compliance with an enforcement notice was achieved by 1 April. SEPA continues to assess permit compliance. The operator is undertaking work to resolve permit breaches with respect to surface water management and smaller-scale potential odour sources.

Need to report an odour?

The area contains several potential odour sources, including field spreading activities. Therefore, what you are experiencing may not be ENVA composting site.

If you are impacted by a sewage odour (including from farm spreading), contact your Local Authority.

When you report an odour to SEPA it is helpful if you can be as descriptive as possible. Potential odours from ENVA composting site can range from:

  • a sour composting odour
  • a fresh waste "bin" odour
  • burnt acrid odour