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  • Board Champions

Board Champions

This paper is to update the Board on the Board Champions initiative and present the full set of proposed Board Champions Terms of References for Board approval.

Jennifer McWhirter, Clerk to the Board and Head of Corporate Legal & Leadership Support; and Jenny Faichney, CLT & Board Support Unit Manager. 

Kirsty-Louise Campbell, Chief Officer Governance, Performance and Engagement.

Date: 17 September 2024.

1. Introduction

1.1. This paper presents an update on the Board Champions initiative and the proposed Board Champions Terms of References for Board approval.

2. Background

2.1 At the Agency Board meeting on 27 February 2024, the Board approved the Board Champions initiative to reflect the role of Board members in adding value and engaging at strategic level to work with SEPA’s Executive team and colleagues on priority areas of work. Board Champions are advisory at strategic level and not involved in decision-making. Board members were given the opportunity to volunteer for areas where Board Champions are required, in discussion with the Board Chair.

2.2 To reflect SEPA’s priorities for 2024-2025 nine groups were approved by the Board at its meeting on 28 May 2024: Communications/PR, Digital, Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme (EPAS), Flood Services, Regulation (with a focus on the Outcome Based Collaborative Regulation (OBCR) pilot), Risk, Transformation, VIBES Awards and Water resilience. A further group was added on Procurement at the 25 June 2024 Board meeting. In July and August 2024 further groups were added on Health & Safety and Performance, following requests by the Chair.

2.3 The CLT leads, and Board Champions are presented in the following table:

Topic CLT Lead(s) Board Champion(s)
Communications/PR Kirsty-Louise Campbell Craig Hume
Digital (cross-organisational group and subset of Transformation) Angela Milloy David Hunter, Lorraine McMillan
Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme (EPAS) Lin Bunten Harpreet Kohli
Flood services Alex Flucker Harpreet Kohli, Carol Evans
Health and Safety Kirsty Paterson and Alex Flucker Nicola Gordon
Performance Kirsty-Louise Campbell Lindsay MacDonald
Procurement Angela Milloy David Hunter, Lindsay MacDonald, Lorrain McMillan
Regulation OBCR pilot Lin Bunten Sue Paterson, Keith Rosser
Risk Kirsty-Louise Campbell Lindsay MacDonald
Transformation (Transformation involves the full board who need to be involved in the decision making but this group is required for detailed work). Nicole Paterson, Kirsty-Louise Campbell and Angela Milloy Carol Evans, Nicola Gordon, Keith Rosser
VIBES Awards Lin Bunten and Kirsty-Louise Campbell Craig Hume
Water resilience Lin Bunten Lindsay MacDonald

2.3 As noted at the Board meeting on 28 May 2024, the CLT and management leads for each topic worked up Terms of Reference (ToRs) which they discussed and agreed with their Champions so that it is clear what the expectations, anticipated outcomes, and timescales for the work are.

2.4 These ToRs are now being shared with the full Board for information and awareness, and Board approval, and are collated in Appendix 1.

2.5 As agreed by the Board on 28 May 2024, high level updates on activity under each area will be presented at every Board meeting with board members having the opportunity to contribute to updates either in advance in writing or verbally at the meeting. The Agency Board Chair will also feed insights into discussions with board members and record alongside members appraisals. The groups will be kept under review with new ones added and others closed as appropriate to the current priorities and needs of the organisation. Annual reports will be produced for the Board from February 2025.

3. Recommendations

3.1 The Board is asked to approve the full set of ToRs for the Board Champion groups in Appendix 1.

Appendix 1: Board Champions Terms of Reference

The following are proposed for Board approval:

  1. Communications and PR
  2. Digital
  3. Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme (EPAS)
  4. Flood services
  5. Health & Safety
  6. Outcome Based Collaborative Regulation (OBCR)
  7. Performance
  8. Procurement (to follow – draft ToR currently with Board Champions for approval)
  9. Risk
  10. Transformation
  11. VIBES Awards
  12. Water Resilience