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  • Lindsay MacDonald

Lindsay MacDonald

Lindsay MacDonald has extensive experience of being accountable for major investment projects and leadership in the transport, construction and telecommunications sectors. He is a Charted Management Accountant and Project Management Professional with experience of bringing the disciplines of financial management and performance delivery together in an appraisal framework. Lindsay is a Member of the Scottish Social Services Council and the NHS Golden Jubilee Board.

Register of interest

  • Date of completion: 31 January 2024
  • Board member: Lindsay MacDonald
  • Signature: Signed by Lindsay MacDonald on 31 January 2024


Employment or self-employment (include registered name of the company, nature of the company, nature of business and nature of post held):

  • None

Holding an office (include office held, name of organisation, nature, and regularity or business):

  • Ministerial appointments as Non-executive Director of: Golden Jubilee NHS Trust (provider of health service) and Scottish Social Services Council (NDPB regulator of the social care workforce).

As a director of an undertaking (include the registered name of the undertaking in which the directorship is held and the nature of the applicable business):

  • None

As a partner in a firm (include registered name of the company and nature of business):

  • None

Undertaking a trade, profession, or vocation, or any other work:

  • None

Any allowance received through memberships of an organisation

All payments such as honoraria and including a statement of whether expenses are paid or not:

  • Golden Jubilee NHS Trust - reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses
  • Scottish Social Services Council - reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses

Related undertakings

A description of a directorship that is not remunerated but is of a company which is a parent or subsidiary of a company or undertaking which pays remuneration (include name of subsidiary or parent company or other undertaking and the nature of its business):

  • None


A description of any contract (including its duration but excluding the consideration) which is made between the public body of which you are a member and a firm in which you are a partner, or an undertaking in which you are a director or in which you have shares:

  • None

Houses, land, and buildings

A description of any rights of ownership or other interests that may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body:

  • Joint owner of Glentirran Cottage, FK8 3HU. Property has a septic tank (approved and regulated by SEPA).

Shares and securities

A description, but not value, of shares or securities in a company, undertaking or organisation that may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body (including the registered name of the company in which you hold shares):

  • Owner of an equity and securities portfolio managed by St James Place
  • Owner of 555 share in Astra Zeneca - current value £59,000

Gifts and hospitality

Details of any gifts and hospitality within your current term of appointment of office:

  • Registered on a separate gifts and hospitality form. 

Non-financial interests

A description of such interests as may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body, including without prejudice to that generality membership of or office:

  • Other public bodies: Non-executive Director of Golden Jubilee NHS Trust, Golden Jubilee Endowment Trust, and Scottish Social Services Council.
  • Clubs, societies, and organisations: Member of Stirling University sports club
  • Trade unions: None
  • Voluntary organisations: None

Close family members

A description of the interests of any close family member who has transactions with SEPA or is likely to have transactions or do business with.

  • None