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Dead fish in River Spey

Date published: 14 September 2023

Environmental incident

“SEPA were notified by the Spey Fishery Board on Monday 11th September that 20-30 dead fish had been recovered over a 15-mile stretch of the River Spey since the morning of Saturday 9th September.

“SEPA officers attended the river as concerns have been raised that the dead fish has been caused by a major pollution event. We took samples of the water and carried out a visual inspection looking for evidence of pollution including discolouration, sewage fungus, foaming and odour. We found no evidence of a recent pollution event.

“We will continue to monitor the river, follow up on any new reports or concerns and engage with the Spey Fishery Board and other relevant authorities to try and determine the cause of the reported fish mortality.

“We take reports of this kind very seriously and encourage anyone who finds dead fish on or near any watercourse to contact SEPA via our Pollution Hotline 0800 80 70 60 or through our online form."

David Ogilvie, Senior Manager for Environmental Performance at the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) said.