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Your search found '94' results of type: 'News release' --- Currently showing page 7 of 16 pages (6 results per page)

SEPA confirms new regulatory framework to help protect Scotland's king of fish

07 December 2023

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have confirmed a new framework, aimed at offering greater protection for wild salmon populations in Scotland.

Perthshire man issued £3,500 civil penalty for illegal buried waste

29 November 2023

A Perthshire man has been served with a civil penalty of £3,500 by Scotland’s environment regulator for allowing controlled waste to be disposed of by burial when no waste management licence was in place authorising the activity.

SEPA urges the public to sign up for free flood messages following October's severe weather

22 November 2023

With parts of Scotland recording their wettest October on record, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) are appealing for as many people as possible to sign up for free flood Alerts and Warnings.

98% of Scottish bathing waters continue to meet strict environmental standards

21 November 2023

In 2024 98% of Scotland's bathing waters will again meet or exceed the Sufficient classification - with 84% achieving the higher standards of Excellent or Good.

Sustainability success stories celebrated at 2023 VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards

09 November 2023

Businesses from across Scotland have been recognised at the 24th annual VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards.

Radioactivity in the environment 2022 report shows radioactive discharges continue to sit comfortably within dose limits

02 November 2023

The latest Radioactivity in Food and the Environment Report (RIFE 28) has been published today (2 November) and shows that levels and concentrations of man-made radioactivity measured in the environment during 2022 were well within international dose limits.