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  • Flooding guide for older communities

An essential guide for older communities

Flooding can affect anyone in a number of ways. Even if you have never experienced flooding before, it could disrupt you in your own home or within your community by affecting pavements, roads and transport. Although it can’t be prevented entirely, here are some simple things you can do to help yourself.

Be prepared

  • Prepare a flood plan. It will help you think carefully about what to do and who can help you, especially if you have a disability, or require extra assistance.
  • Who can help? Find out what help family, friends and neighbours can offer you if flooding is likely.
  • Plan your escape route, particularly if you are in a bungalow. If you live in a house and have window locks, always keep a key upstairs.
  • Learn how to shut of gas, electricity and water supplies and make a note of this in your flood plan.
  • Keep pets safe. Keep their food, water and bedding somewhere safe. Keep portable pet carriers and leads close at hand and consider moving small animals upstairs.
  • Protect your possessions, store items with sentimental value and important documents somewhere raised well above floor level in watertight containers.
  • Check insurance policies, ensure home, motor and caravan insurance has adequate flood cover

Put a flood kit together and store it somewhere where you can easily get to it if your home is flooded. Things to include are:

  • Your flood plan
  • A torch and portable radio with a supply of batteries
  • Blankets and warm, waterproof clothing and footwear
  • A first aid kit including any medication you are taking
  • Bottled water
  • Charged mobile phone
  • Non-perishable food supplies
  • Pet food supplies

Be aware

Floodline provides live flooding information and advice for Scotland 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a free service delivered by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Anyone can use Floodline but if you sign up, by registering your address and telephone number with us, you can get free advance notice of flooding direct to your landline or mobile phone.

Having advance notice of flooding will give you time to stay safe and reduce the damage and disruption to your life.

Floodline issues three types of message

Familiarising yourself with the symbols and what they mean will help you take appropriate action at the right time.

More information is available within our website, or if you don’t have internet access please call a Floodline operator on 0345 988 1188.

Know who to contact

Find out who to contact in the event of a flood and keep this information handy.

Write down important phone numbers and contact details including any family, friends or neighbours you could contact in an emergency.