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Material Recovery Facility, Bargeddie

The Viridor MRF in Bargeddie accepts residual waste from five local authorities. The waste is processed and separated on site to recover or recycle as much material as possible. After processing, this waste then leaves the site either for further recovery or for final disposal.  

The site is authorised, regulated and inspected by SEPA and operates within the terms of a licence granted under the Waste Management Licensing (Scotland) Regulations 2011. Attached to this licence are a set of conditions relating to on-site activity.  

Latest update

Site update

Date published: 04 September 2024

SEPA received reports relating to odour in the late afternoon of 03 September 2024, and attended the area to investigate and carry out odour monitoring.

During the odour assessment, which was carried out over a period of 1.5 hours from 18:00 until 19:30, no odours were detected upwind of the site, at receptor locations or near the perimeter of the site.

On this basis, there was no non-compliance identified in relation to the odour condition in Viridor's Waste Management Licence.

Viridor have notified SEPA that they intend to carry out essential maintenance to one of the main access doors to the infeed building today, 04 September which is intended to be completed by the end of the day. There is a risk that odour may be experienced off site during the maintenance period.

Public engagement:

SEPA will continue to liaise with Viridor and the public through regular stakeholder meetings.

SEPA will only make further contact with you in relation to complaints where necessary for evidence-gathering purposes and in most cases, you won't receive any further update from us in respect to a complaint. Relevant updates will be made available on the Bargeddie Materials Recycling Facility hub page.

View previous updates

Need to report an odour?

When you report an odour to SEPA it is very helpful if you can be as descriptive as possible. Potential odours from Viridor Material Recover Facility range from:

  • Like a general waste bin smell to;
  • Sour solvents or sour vinegar odours.

Abnormal fly numbers are considered to be where over 25 flies are identified internally within a 48hr time period.