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  • Quarter 2 Financial Monitoring Report

Quarter 2 Financial Monitoring Report for period ending 30th September 2023


Agency board report number: SEPA 49/23

A detailed paper was presented for consideration and scrutiny at the Audit and Risk Committee on 14th November 2023. The paper was recommended for submission to the Board for approval.

Actual results for the period of 1st April 2023 to 30th September 2023 show that SEPA is forecasting a break-even position at the year end.

A capital summary showing the £6.2m budget is forecast to be fully spent for the financial year ended 31st March 2024.

The Board is asked to consider the contents of this report and approve.

For Approval.

For Public session of the Board.

Angela Milloy, Chief Officer, Finance

Ian Bryce, Deputy Head of Finance

Rosaleen Burke, Head of Finance

Income and expenditure account 2023 - 2024

Table 1 – 1st April 2023 to 31st December 2023 – full year forecast v annual budget

Key - () overspend

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) - Income and expenditure account 2023-24
Period ended 30th September Year to date Full year
Description Actual £'000 Budget £'000 Var. £'000 Forecast £'000 Budget £'000 Var. £'000
Grant in Aid 14,000 14,000 0 45,270 45,270 0
Charging Schemes 44,285 44,614 (329) 48,571 48,937 (366)
Other income 716 514 202 2,587 2,470 117
Total Income 59,001 59,128 (127) 96,428 96,677 (249)
Staff costs 30,510 32,366 1,856 66,158 67,537 1,379
Other staff costs 378 260 (118) 842 450 (392)
Transport costs 501 460 (41) 1,182 1,081 (101)
Supplies and services 5,800 5,695 (105) 18,547 18,161 (387)
Property costs 2,529 2,602 72 4,503 4,252 (251)
Depreciation/impairment 2,603 2,603 0 5,196 5,196 0
Total operating costs 42,321 43,986 1,664 96,428 96,677 249
Operating surplus / (Deficit) 16,680 15,142 1,538 0 0 0

Net results

It should be noted that the 2023-24 budget was set net of £3m or 3.1% savings by budget reductions in Staff Costs (£2.7m) and Supplies and Services (£0.3m).

Based on Q2 returns, the full year forecast remains a break-even position with a £0.25m adverse variance on income being offset by a saving in expenditure.

Total income

Total income for the full year is forecast at £96.4m which is a net £0.25m less than full year budget and is due to a reduction in application charges.

Total expenditure

Full year operating costs are £96.4m, which is £0.25m less than budget.

Key highlights

Staff Costs - For 2023-24, portfolios are required to meet the budgeted vacancy savings target of £2.7m and these savings have been achieved and accounted for in table 1 above. The forecast is reporting an additional underspend in staff costs of £1.4m based on current vacancy rates. These savings should be viewed together with Other Staff Costs where a forecast overspend of (£0.4m) is being reported, mainly relating to temporary workers.

Supplies and Services – The reported overspend of (£0.4m) is mainly associated with external legal support and expenses, scientific supplies and consumables.

Property Costs – Currently forecasting a £0.3m overspend largely due to increased utility costs with the largest increase against electricity. This is due to an increased tariff as consumption rates remain unchanged. The other overspend relates to increased dilapidation costs.


Table 2 – Capital expenditure

  Budget YTD Actual
Capital GiA 6,200 900
Capital area Forecast Actual Committed Uncommitted Main spend types
Compliance 196 0 0 196 Intelligence & investigation system
Circular Economy 36 0 0 36 New radiation equipment
Chemistry 1,243 76 0 1,167 Aberdeen lab refurb & equipment replacement
Ecology 29 4 0 25 Navigation upgrade
Environmental Quality 155 0 10 145 SIB data & bathing water signage
Facilities 1,003 0 5 998 Stirling office
Hydrology 1,569 327 733 509 Flood mapping & defences / gauging stations
Information Systems 2,202 437 782 983 Digital workstreams & web refresh
Capital totals 23/24 6,433 844 1,530 4,059  
(Over) / underspend (233)        

SEPA’s capital budget provided by Scottish Government for the year is £6.2m. At Q2 the capital programme is overcommitted by £0.23m, this is to allow for supplier chain slippage or delays to project delivery.

Civil penalties

SEPA acts as an agent for the Scottish Government in the issuing and collection of civil penalties, we do not receive any additional grant for undertaking this work. New actions totalling £2.25m have been raised this year of which £1.9m have been paid.

Statement of financial position

The Statement of Financial Position is tabled below. The opening balances are based on the draft 2022-23 financial statements and may be subject to change following completion of the external audit. The external audit commenced on 23rd October 2023.

Table 3 - Statement of financial position

Statement of Financial Position 30 September 2023 Year to 31 March 2023 £'000 Period to 30 September 2023 £'000
Property, plant and equipment 43,578 40,974
Intangible assets 2,390 2,390
Assets under construction 1,167 1,167
Employee retirement benefits 1,501 1,501
Total non current assets 48,636 46,032
Trade and other receivables 3,806 1,959
Cash and cash equivalents 829 16,235
Total current assets 53,271 64,226
Trade and other payables (10,069) (4,351)
Provisions (555) (514)
Total current liabilities (10,624) (4,865)
Total assets less current liabilities 42,647 59,361
Provisions for liabilities and charges >1 year (5,325) (5,325)
Future lease payments (8,928) (8,928)
Total non current liabilities (14,253) (14,253)
Total assets less total liabilities 28,394 45,108
General fund 9,377 26,091
Revaluation reserve 19,017 19,017
Total tax payers equity 28,394 45,108


The Board is asked to consider the contents of this report and approve.