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  • Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report

Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report 2023 – 2024


Agency board report number: SEPA 48/23 - October 2023

We present the second quarterly corporate performance report of this financial year, covering the period July – September 2023.

In our Annual Operating Plan 2023-2024 we set out nine performance measures. We will use this set of performance measures to assess our progress in delivering this plan throughout the year.

The report describes progress made on the performance measures during quarter two.

For Noting.

For Public session of the Board.

This report will be published on SEPA’s website.

Bridget Marshall, Acting Chief Officer, Performance & Innovation.

Fiona Carlin, Senior Business Consultant

Executive summary

This year’s Annual Operating Plan includes nine performance measure. Each quarter we will produce a report to explain how we are progressing with those measures. This is the second quarterly report. It covers the period July - September 2023. More detailed descriptions of each of our performance measures can be found on our website.

In the second quarter we are on track to achieve eight of the nine measures. Our response to being regenerative by 2030 and net zero in “direct” emissions by 2025 remains at amber. SEPA’s emissions remain on a long-term downward trend compared to our 2006-2007 baseline. Continued action on both buildings and travel is being taken. We are working to reduce our estate and are developing options for an offsetting programme.

Some highlights this quarter are that ground works have now commenced at the River Leven in Fife on the first phase of works in one of three river restoration projects. The restoration project is part of a wider partnership programme to deliver environmental improvements around the river while maximising social and economic opportunities that these improvements can bring.

One of Scotland’s biggest ever dam removals has completed in Aberdeenshire, opening up part of the River Dee catchment to Atlantic salmon for the first time in more than 100 years. The project was made possible after receiving funding from the Water Environment Fund which we administer on behalf of the Scottish Government enabling rivers to be restored across Scotland.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition Mairi McAllan said: “This is a great example of the work being carried out across Scotland by rivers trusts and catchment partnerships to breathe life back into our rivers. This work benefits our environment, our wildlife - like our iconic wild salmon - and our people and communities.”

This quarter we brought our measure for complaints back on track, meeting all timescales. We have responded to 91.7% of complaints on time.

Dashboard summary

1. Improve

  • Measure: Implementation of three river restoration projects.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

We restore rivers to allow fish migration, reduce flooding, improve biodiversity and create attractive green spaces. We completed the first project in the River Levern in quarter one. Ground works have now started on the second project at the River Leven in Fife. This project is part of a wider partnership which aims to develop a network of active travel paths, themed gardens and parks next to the river improving biodiversity and creating opportunities to learn from the area’s heritage. We are on track to complete this measure.

2. Improve

  • Measure: Increase in the length of rivers where fish movement is not restricted by man-made barriers.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

We are aiming to open up 69km of river previously inaccessible to migratory fish. Of the two Water Environment Fund projects, Garlogie Dam is now complete and Crossmill weir is progressing well. We have issued a third licence to require fish passage this quarter out of a target of six. We are also back on track with the scoping of fish barriers for our future years’ programme.

3. Protect

  • Measure: Reduction in number of illegal sites in a year. (We are stopping activities which are being carried out illegally.)
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

Operators who carry out activities illegally have a detrimental impact on the environment, local communities and legitimate businesses. At the start of April 2023, we were aware of 327 illegal sites which mainly related to illegal waste activities. This quarter we reduced the number of illegal sites by 21. We have added a total of 34 illegal sites to our register this year with 15 of those added this quarter. We are delivering this measure.

4. Protect

  • Measure: Complete the implementation of an integrated and simplified authorisation framework in line with statutory deadlines.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

Through this project we are developing more integrated ways to work so we can focus on the environmental risks that matter the most. Good progress has been made towards implementation of the framework. A robust project delivery framework has been established, resource is in post, and we are tracking progress against a project plan. We are on track to complete this measure.

5. Improve

  • Measure: Being regenerative by 2030 and net zero in “direct” emissions by 2025.
  • Q1 - Amber
  • Q2 - Amber

SEPA’s emissions remain on a long-term downward trend compared to our 2006-2007 baseline. Our emissions have now returned to pre-pandemic levels, although we now include more emission sources in our inventory. Continued action on both buildings and travel is being taken. We are working to reduce our estate and are developing options for an offsetting programme.

6. Warn

  • Measure: Alerts and warnings issued for all significant flooding events.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

Our 24/7 flood forecasting and warning service helps people, businesses, and communities to take action to protect themselves. We have issued all alerts and warnings on time this quarter. A total of 115 regional flood alerts and 68 local flood warnings were issued. We are on track to complete this measure.

7. Avoid

  • Measure: Compete all planned updates to our flood maps.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

Our updated flood maps will give local authorities, coastal communities and emergency responders the most up to date information on flood risk to allow them to make robust decisions about reducing and adapting to flood risk. All planned updates are on track. Our focus is now on making sure that users can interpret the data and make use of the significantly improved maps. We are on track to complete this measure.

8. Improve

  • Measure: Percentage of complaints responded to within timescales.
  • Q1 - Amber
  • Q2 - Green

Learning from our customers complaints is important to us. We met all timescales for responding to complaints in quarter two, bringing our performance back on track. We have completed 91.7% of complaints within timescales.

9. Improve

  • Measure: Percentage of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and Environmental Information requests (EIR) responded to within statutory timescales.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green

We want to make sure that our customers have all the information they need. This quarter our mean quarterly performance for responding to due requests on or under time was 67% (69% quarter one). Our target is 82% by the end of March 2024. We are recruiting more staff, and making process improvements, to help us respond to the increased number of requests. However, the continuing trend in the increase in the number of requests that we are receiving on a quarterly basis is challenging (21% increase in quarter two compared to quarter one).

We use a Red, Amber and Green traffic light measure status to highlight if we are on course to achieve measures.

  • Green - Achieved or is on course to being achieved.
  • Amber - There may be problems or some minor slippage, but solutions have been found to keep the measure on track to being achieved.
  • Red - Major issues have been identified and solutions are still being worked on. The measure is likely to be delivered late or not at all.