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  • People and Remuneration Committee change of membership

People and Remuneration Committee change of membership


Agency board report number: SEPA 54/23 - November 2023

At its meeting on 26 September 2023, the Agency Board was notified (under item 16.2) that the People & Remuneration Committee (PRC) required a review of Committee membership. It was highlighted that of the three remaining members of the Committee, two are retiring from the Board in December 2023, including the Committee Chair. The Board agreed that interim arrangements will be put in place this year.

The Board is now asked to approve these interim arrangements to ensure the PRC remains quorate going into the new calendar year. As presented in the Committee’s Terms of Reference, Quorum is two of the four members.

Following a call for expressions of interest from remaining Board members, Harpreet Kohli has been put forward to join the committee as the new interim Chair. He will join the PRC at its meeting on 5 December 2023 as an observer.

The Board is therefore asked to approve the following interim membership of the PRC from 1 January 2024 to 27 February 2024: Harpreet Kohli (chair/new member); Nicola Gordon (re-appointment); Martin Hill (re-appointment (to end December 2023)); Philip Matthews (re-appointment (to end December 2023)).

A further paper will go to the Agency Board under the Official documents annual item on 27 February 2024 reviewing the membership and Chair arrangements once new board members have commenced their appointments. The first People & Remuneration Committee meeting in 2024 is on 12 March.

For Approval

For Public session of the Board

Bridget Marshall, Acting Chief Officer Performance & Innovation

  • Jenny Faichney, CLT & Board Support Unit Manager
  • Jennifer McWhirter, Clerk to the Board