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  • Quarter 3 Financial Monitoring Report

Quarter 3 Financial Monitoring Report for period ending 31st December 2023


Agency board report number: SEPA 03/24

A detailed paper was presented for consideration and scrutiny at the Special Audit and Risk Committee on 13 February 2024. The paper was recommended for submission to the Board for approval.

Actual results for the period of 1 April 2023 to 31 December 2023 show that SEPA is forecasting a break-even position in revenue at the year end.

A capital summary showing the £6.2m budget is forecasting an underspend of £0.3m for the financial year ended 31 March 2024.

For approval.

For Public session of the Board.

Angela Milloy, Chief Officer Finance, Modernisation & Digital

  • Ian Bryce, Deputy Head of Finance
  • Rosaleen Burke, Head of Finance

Income and expenditure account 2023 - 2024

Table 1 – 1st April 2023 to 31st December 2023 – full year forecast v annual budget

Key - () overspend

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) - Income and expenditure account 2023-24
Period ended 31st December Year to date Full year
Description Actual £'000 Budget £'000 Var. £'000 Forecast £'000 Budget £'000 Var. £'000
Grant in Aid 19,000 19,000 0 45,444 45,444 0
Charging Schemes 45,797 46,624 (827) 48,692 48,937 (245)
Other income 1,620 1,325   2,656 2,509 147
Total Income 66,471 66,949 (827) 96,792 96,890 (98)
Staff costs 46,025 48,318 2,293 67,620 68,331 711
Other staff costs 631 363 (268) 1,037 520 (517)
Transport costs 806 743 (63) 1,368 1,285 (83)
Supplies and services 8,165 8,224 59 17,020 17,328 308
Property costs 3,346 3,133 (214) 4,551 4,230 (321)
Depreciation/impairment 3,905 3,905 0 5,196 5,196 0
Total operating costs 62,878 64,686 1,807 96,792 96,890 98
Operating surplus / (Deficit) 3,539 2,263 1,276 0 0 0

Net results

It should be noted that the 2023-24 budget was set net of £3m or 3.1% savings by budget reductions in Staff Costs (£2.7m) and Supplies and Services (£0.3m). These savings have been achieved.

Based on Quarter 3 results (Q3 – April 2023-December 2023), the full year forecast remains a break-even position with a £0.1m adverse variance on income being offset by a saving in expenditure.

Total income

Total income for the full year is forecast at £96.8m which is £0.1m less than budget. Lower than budgeted application income is being offset by higher than budgeted subsistence income and bank interest.

Total expenditure

Full year operating costs are £96.8m, which is £0.1m less than budget.

Key highlights

Staff costs - for 2023-24, portfolios are required to meet the budgeted vacancy savings target of £2.7m and these savings have been achieved and accounted for in table 1 above. The forecast is reporting an additional underspend in Staff Costs of £0.7m based on current vacancy rates. These savings should be viewed together with Other Staff Costs where a forecast overspend of (£0.5m) is being reported, mainly relating to temporary workers.

Supplies and services – The full year forecast is currently reporting an underspend of £0.3m. There are several offsetting variances, the most significant of which relates to less bad debt being written off than budgeted (£281k less). The balance of movements in the remaining accounts within Supplies and Services net each other out.

Property costs – Currently forecasting a £0.3m overspend largely due to increased utility costs with the largest increase against electricity due to higher levels of usage and increased tariffs.


Table 2 – Capital expenditure

Period ending 31st December Budget
Capital grant in aid 6,200
Capital area Forecast Total committed
Compliance 16 0
Circular Economy 36 36
Chemistry 1,502 819
Ecology 91 4
Environmental Quality 152 51
Facilities 331 76
Hydrology 1,744 1,424
Information Systems 2,028 1,482
Total 5,900 3,892
(Over) / underspend 300  

SEPA’s capital budget provided by Scottish Government for the year is £6.2m. At Quarter 3 (Q3), the capital programme is forecasting an underspend of £0.3m. At the time of writing 80% of the budget is committed with 2 months until end of financial year. This underspend is due to alternative, more affordable solutions being sourced for the Stirling Office.

Civil penalties

SEPA acts as an agent for the Scottish Government in the issuing and collection of civil penalties, we do not receive any additional grant for undertaking this work. New actions totalling £4.8m have been raised this year of which £2m have been paid.

Statement of financial position

Table 3 - Statement of financial position

Statement of Financial Position 31 December 2023 Year to 31 March 2023 £'000 Year to 31 December 2023 £'000
Property, plant and equipment 42,929 39,057
Intangible assets 2,390 2,390
Assets under construction 1,167 1,167
Employee retirement benefits 1,501 1,501
Total non current assets 48,020 44,115
Trade and other receivables 3,806 1,181
Cash and cash equivalents 829 4,620
Total current assets 52,655 49,916
Trade and other payables (10,069) (3,834)
Provisions (555) (462)
Total current liabilities (10,624) (4,296)
Total assets less current liabilities 42,031 45,620
Provisions for liabilities and charges >1 year (5,325) (5,325)
Future lease payments (8,928) (8,928)
Total non current liabilities (14,253) (14,253)
Total assets less total liabilities 27,778 31,367
General fund 9,359 12,948
Revaluation reserve 18,419 18,419
Total tax payers equity 27,778 31,367


The Board is asked to consider the contents of this report and approve.