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  • Quarter 3 Corporate Performance Report

Quarter 3 Corporate Performance Report 2023 – 2024

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Agency board report number: SEPA 02/24 - February 2024

We present the third quarterly corporate performance report of this financial year, covering the period October to December 2023.

In our Annual Operating Plan 2023-2024 we set out nine performance measures. We will use this set of performance measures to assess our progress in delivering this plan throughout the year.

The report describes progress made on the performance measures during quarter three.

For noting. 

For Public session of the Board. This report will be published on SEPA’s website.

Kirsty-Louise Campbell, Chief Officer Governance, Performance & Engagement

Fiona Carlin, Senior Business Consultant

Executive summary

This year’s Annual Operating Plan includes nine performance measures. Each quarter we will produce a report to explain how we are progressing with those measures. This is the third quarterly report. It covers the period from October – December 2023. More detailed descriptions of each of our performance measures can be found on our website.

In the third quarter we are on track to achieve seven of the nine measures. Our response to being regenerative by 2030 and net zero in “direct” emissions by 2025 remains at amber. Although progress has been made, meeting our goal will require significant and sustained reductions in emissions. We are continuing to take action by exploring options to share workspaces and improving accessibility and availability of low emission fleet and hire vehicles.

Our current response to Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests is also at amber. Although performance this quarter has steadily improved, the team is being impacted partly due to the high number of requests we are receiving but also due to staffing levels. We are taking action with further recruitment planned for quarter four.

Some highlights this quarter include reaching our target of opening up 69km of river previously inaccessible to migratory fish with one of Scotland’s biggest ever dam removals, Garlogie dam in the River Dee catchment in Aberdeenshire, and the removal of Crossmill Weir on the Levern Water in East Renfrewshire.

This quarter we also reached our target to publish updated versions of flood maps. The new maps extend the information previously available to include significantly improved coastal mapping for Northeast Scotland, Orkney Islands, and the Outer Hebrides. The maps now include a representation of the impact of wave action allowing users of the maps to make better informed decisions.

This quarter, our 24/7 flood forecasting and warning service successfully provided advance alerts and warnings during periods of exceptional flooding and three storms (6-9th October, 18-23rd October and 27-28th October), including Storm Babet and the overtopping of flood defences in Brechin. The First Minister praised SEPA’s response and communication during these events which saw water level and rainfall records broken. We played a key role in advising emergency responders to organise evacuations and help save lives.

Dashboard summary

1. Improve

  • Measure: Implementation of three river restoration projects.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

We restore rivers to allow fish migration, reduce flooding, improve biodiversity and create attractive green spaces. The first project is complete. Groundworks have started on the second project on the River Leven in Fife which is part of a wider partnership to develop a network of paths, gardens and parks next to the river to improve biodiversity and to learn from the area’s heritage. Groundworks will start on the third project on the Glazert Water (Lennoxtown) in quarter four. We are on track to achieve this measure.

2. Improve

  • Measure: Increase in the length of rivers where fish movement is not restricted by man-made barriers.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

We have achieved our target to open up 69km of river previously inaccessible to migratory fish with the removal of Garlogie dam and Crossmill Weir. We are continuing to issue licences for fish passage and working on scoping fish barriers for our future years’ programme. We have successfully achieved this measure.

3. Protect

  • Measure: Reduction in number of illegal sites in a year.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

Operators who carry out activities illegally have a detrimental impact on the environment, local communities and legitimate businesses. We are targeting our efforts to disrupt activities which are being carried out illegally. From April, we were aware of 327 illegal sites which mainly related to illegal waste activities, with 58 assessed as posing a high risk to the environment. We have reduced that number by 47 since the start of the year, including four in this quarter. We are on track to achieve this measure. From April, through thorough investigative work, we have added a total of 40 illegal sites (17 high risk) to our register with six of those (two high risk) added this quarter.

4. Protect

  • Measure: Complete the implementation of an integrated and simplified authorisation framework in line with statutory deadlines.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

The Integrated Authorisation Framework, established by the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018, is part of Scottish Government and SEPA’s Better Regulation Programme and aims to deliver a risk-based, proportionate system of environmental regulation. Planned implementation of the framework is on track with several milestones successfully met this quarter such as the completion of digital discoveries for services. We are on track to achieve this measure.

5. Improve

  • Measure: Being regenerative by 2030 and net zero in “direct” emissions by 2025.
  • Q1 - Amber
  • Q2 - Amber
  • Q3 - Amber

SEPA’s direct emissions had reduced by 52% compared to our 2006-2007 baseline. Although there has been progress, meeting our target will require significant and sustained reductions in emissions. Continued action on both buildings and travel is being taken. We are working to reduce our estate and share workspaces but remain affected by supply chain issues to replace our fleet vehicles.

6. Warn

  • Measure: Alerts and warnings issued for all significant flooding events.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

Our 24/7 flood forecasting and warning service helps people, businesses, and communities to take action to protect themselves. We have issued all alerts and warnings on time this quarter during periods of exceptional flooding from three storms. A total of 141 regional flood alerts and 236 local flood warnings were issued. We are on track to achieve this measure.

7. Avoid

  • Measure: Compete all planned updates to our flood maps.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

Our updated flood maps will give local authorities, coastal communities and emergency responders the most up to date information on flood risk to allow them to make robust decisions about reducing and adapting to flood risk. In November we published an updated version of the flood maps. We have successfully achieved this measure.

8. Improve

  • Measure: Percentage of complaints responded to within timescales.
  • Q1 - Amber
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Green

We place a lot of importance on handling and responding to customer service complaints. We met all timescales for responding to complaints, closing 12 complaints in quarter three. We have responded to 91.7% of complaints against a target of 85% within statutory timescales. We are on track to achieve this measure.

9. Improve

  • Measure: Percentage of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and Environmental Information requests (EIR) responded to within statutory timescales.
  • Q1 - Green
  • Q2 - Green
  • Q3 - Amber

We are committed to supporting our customers and openly providing the information they request. The percentage of Freedom of Information requests and Environmental Information requests responded to within statutory timescales has improved steadily over this quarter and a range of development work in this area is being undertaken to meet increasing demands. A key focus ahead of end of year is to achieve our target and measures are in place to support this objective as far as possible.

*Figures for measure three taken on 14th January 2024.

We use a Red, Amber and Green traffic light measure status to highlight if we are on course to achieve measures.

  • Green - Achieved or is on course to being achieved.
  • Amber - There may be problems or some minor slippage, but solutions have been found to keep the measure on track to being achieved.
  • Red - Major issues have been identified and solutions are still being worked on. The measure is likely to be delivered late or not at all.