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Revision of the Standing Orders


Agency board report number: SEPA 45/23 - September 2023

Due to the reduction in Board members to eight it is proposed that the quorum within the Standing Orders is reduced from five to four.

The position will be reviewed as part of the annual review of Official documents and procedures of the Board being presented to the Board in February 2024.

Due to recent changes to the Terms of Reference for the People Committee with the extension in remit to the People & Remuneration Committee, as approved by the Agency Board on 25 July 2023, amendments are also proposed at paragraphs 4 and 62.

Further minor amendments proposed to the Standing Orders are highlighted in the paper.

For Approval

For Public session of the Board

Bridget Marshall, Acting Chief Officer Performance & Innovation

Jennifer McWhirter, Clerk to the Board


Due to the reduction in Board members to eight it is proposed that the quorum (paragraph 24) within the Standing Orders is reduced from five to four. It is also proposed that the number of Board members required to suspend the Standing Orders at a meeting is reduced from seven to six (paragraph 84).

Due to recent changes to the Terms of Reference for the People Committee with the extension in remit to the People & Remuneration Committee, as approved by the Agency Board on 25 July 2023, an amendment is also proposed at paragraph 4, and it is proposed to delete paragraph 62.

A minor change to paragraph 29 is also proposed to reflect the change in title of the Agency Management Team to Corporate Leadership Team

See Appendix A for highlighted amendments in the revised Standing Orders

Approval of the revised Standing Orders

The purpose of the Standing Orders is to provide clarity about the way in which the Board should operate. Effectively, it is a set of rules that aim to ensure effective governance of the Agency.

A further review will take place as part of the annual review of Official documents and procedures of the Board being presented to the Board in February 2024.


The Board is to approve the revised Standing Orders for Meetings of the Agency Board and Board Standing Committees.