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  • Quarter 2 financial monitoring report

Quarter 2 Financial Monitoring report ending 30th September 2024

This report is to provide an update to the Board on the following areas:

  • Actual results for quarter 2 (Q2) (1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024) show that SEPA is forecasting to deliver a balanced outturn and break-even position to the year end.
  • A capital summary showing forecast spend in line with a budget of £5.4m.

The Board is asked to approve SEPA’s financial performance report for the period ending 30 September 2024.

Ian Bryce, Deputy Head of Finance; Rosaleen Burke, Head of Finance

Angela Milloy, Chief Officer Finance, Modernisation and Digital.

Date: 18 November 2024

01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 - full year forecast outturn v annual budget

Scottish Environment Protection Agency - Income and Expenditure Account 2024-2025

Description Year to date (Actual £'000) Year to date (Budget £'000) Year to date (Var. £'000) Full year (Forecast £'000) Full year (Budget £'000) Full year (Var. £'000)
Grant in Aid 12,500 12,500 0 47,709 47,709 0
Charging Schemes 47,479 47,712 (233) 52,984 52,879 105
Other income 562 578 (16) 2,680 2,680 0
Total Income 60,541 60,790 (249) 103,373 103,268 105
Staff Costs 33,980 35,353 1,373 70,831 71,565 734
Other Staff Costs 466 194 (272) 798 442 (356)
Transport Costs 273 444 171 936 974 38
Supplies and services 7,891 7,553 (338) 19,825 19,475 (350)
Property Costs 2,482 2,544 62 4,703 4,532 (171)
Depreciation/impairment 3,140 3,140 0 6,280 6,280 0
Total Operating costs 48,232 49,228 996 103,373 103,268 (105)
Operating surplus/(deficit) 12,309 11,562 747 0 0 0

1. Net results - balanced budget

1.1 Net results for the full year forecast a balanced budget, it should be noted that the 2024-2025 budget was set net of £3.5m savings in staff costs. These savings are forecast to be met in full.

1.2 At Q2 (period 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024), the year-to-date variance of £0.75m is as a result of £1m lower than budgeted expenditure offset by £0.25m lower than budgeted charging income. The year-to-date underspend will be fully utilised on corporate priorities which support transformation, resulting in a break-even position by the year end.

1.3 Variances by accounting spend category will be explained in the remainder of the paper with the focus being on full year forecast.

2. Total income - £103.4m

2.1 Total income for the full year is forecast at £103.4m which is £0.1m more than full year budget. This is mainly due to net movements from budget of £0.1m increased charging fees mainly from water and waste schemes.

Table 2 - GiA budget allocation

Grant in Aid Budget Allocation Resource Budget Cash Resource Budget Non Cash Total
Base Budget Allocation 2024-25 39,911 6,280 46,191

Budget Adjustments:

Grant in Aid Budget Allocation Resource Budget Cash Resource Budget Non Cash Total
Waste water sampling 278 - 278
Cleaner Air 30 - 30
Water Environment Fund 1,210 - 1,210
Total Adjustments 1,518 0 1,518

2.2 SEPA’s revenue GiA is presented in Table 2 above at £47.7m. This is an increase of £1.5m since the budget was set. The table above provides a breakdown of confirmed in year budget adjustments, these will be fully offset by increased expenditure.

Charging Scheme income - £53.0m

2.3 Graph 2 shows charging scheme income by media. The full year income outturn is £53.0m, which is £0.1m more than budget. This results in a net positive variance which includes:

  • Applications - £0.15m positive variance in the applications forecast. The increase in application income is mainly due to higher than budgeted applications from water, air and radioactive substances.
  • Subsistence - £0.05m negative variance in the subsistence forecast mainly in relation to water licences.

Other income - £2.68m

2.4 The full year income outturn is £2.68m, which is balanced to budget. Payments from other agencies has reduced slightly but this has been offset by small increases against bank interest and legal income.

3 Total expenditure - £103.4m

3.1 Full year operating costs are £103.4m, £0.1m more than budget.

Staff costs and other staff costs

3.2 Budgeted staff costs represent 70% of total expenditure. The vacancy management level (which represents savings due to vacant posts) was set at 4% or £3.5m. These savings have been achieved and accounted for in the forecast outturn.

3.3 A forecast increase in vacancy savings is being offset by a forecast overspend in temporary workers and recruitment costs.

Transport costs

3.4 Transport costs are reporting a small overspend of £38k, underspends in trains £23k and mileage £32k are being offset by overspends in pool vehicles and leases £17k.

Supplies and services

3.5 The full year forecast is currently reporting an overspend of £0.35m. There are several offsetting variances, with the most significant being:

  • Software maintenance (£0.16m) in relation to spend on enterprise cloud support and logistics contract to facilitate hybrid working.
  • Professional Services (£0.13m) in relation to the lone worker contract and desktop valuations.
  • Subcontracted work (£0.09m) mainly relates to ongoing projects in Environmental Quality.

Property costs

3.7 The full year forecast is currently reporting an overspend of £0.17m. The most significant of which relates to reactive maintenance property maintenance £0.15m.

4. Capital

Table 3 - Capital expenditure

Function Budget £'000 Approval Projects £'000 Main areas of risk within function budgets
Permitting 60 25 Integrated Authorisation Framework Implementation planned for Q3 and Q4.
Enforcement 15 20 Enforcement Camera.
Energy and Materials 0 89 Materials Data Platform, Mostly internal staff costs.
Chemistry 1,733 1,913 Gas Chromatographers and Nutrients Analyser.
Ecology 500 335 Lab Reconfiguration and Sir John Murray Refit.
Environmental Quality 61 133 Bathing Water Signage and Recovery of SAGIS.
Info Systems 972 415 IS Infrastructure and Disaster Recovery Servers.
Info Systems (Digital) 1,783 1,290 IAF Implementation.
Workspaces 206 224 Fleet Replacement.
Hydrology 1,070 1,256 Gauging Stations, Data Loggers and Flood Mapping.
Budget Reduction (1,000) - -
Totals 5,400 5,700 -

4.1 SEPA’s capital budget provided by Scottish Government for the year is £6.4m. After recent discussion with Scottish Government colleagues and in light of the current savings commissions, it has been agreed to defer the capital budget by £1m to a revised total of £5.4m. SEPA has approved £5.7m worth of projects which have all been assigned a confidence assessment. During this quarter £1.3m of Accountable Officer submissions to Scottish Government have been approved, with the most significant approval being £0.9m for the purchase of 2 Gas Chromatographers. Officers are currently assessing the returned tenders.

5. Statement of Financial Position

5.1 The Statement of Financial Position is tabled below. The figures are subject to audit and may change from the stated position below.

Table 4 - Statement of Financial Position period to 30 September 2024

Statement of Financial Position 30 September 2024 Year to 31 March 2024 £'000 Period to 30 September 2024 £'000
Non Current Assets    
Property, plant and equipment 42,377 39,456
Intangible assets 2,402 2,183
Assets under construction 2,807 2,807
Employee retirement benefits 21,527 21,527
Total non current assets 69,113 65,973
Current assets    
Trade and other receivables 4,189 4,796
Cash and cash equivalents 899 9,208
Total current assets 5,088 14,004
Total assets 74,201 79,977
Current liabilities    
Trade and other payables (11,206) (4,921)
Provisions (214) (214)
Total current liabilities (11,420) (5,135)
Total assets less current liabilities 62,781 74,842
Non current liabilities    
Provisions for liabilities and charges >1 year (6,022) (6,022)
Future lease payments (7,881) (7,881)
Total non-current liabilities (13,903) (13,903)
Total assets less total liabilities 48,878 60,939
Taxpayers' equity and other reserves    
General fund 30,544 42,605
Revaluation reserve 18,334 18,334
Total tax payers equity 48,878 60,939

6. Recommendation

6.1 The Board is asked to approve SEPA's financial performance report for the period ending 30 September 2024.