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  • Agency Board Paper Planner

Agency Board Paper Planner


Board Report Number: SEPA 02/23 - February 2023

The schedule for Board and Committee meetings was agreed by the Agency Board in July 2022. This paper presents the Planner to be approved by the Board with proposals on seminar sessions and strategic items for tabling at Agency Board and Strategy meetings to December 2023.

For approval.

Agency Board, Corporate Leadership Team, Scottish Government and Public

Jennifer McWhirter, Clerk to the Board;

Jenny Faichney, Unit Manager (CLT and Board Support)


The schedule for Board and Committee meetings was agreed by the Agency Board in July 2022. This paper presents the Planner to be approved by the Board with proposals on seminar sessions and strategic items for tabling at Agency Board and Strategy meetings throughout the year. A separate forward planning exercise has been undertaken for the agendas for the 2023 People Committee and Audit & Risk Committee meetings; these will be discussed at the committee meetings.

The planner presented in section 2 takes into consideration a request made by the Board Chair for seminar sessions to be used for structured, interactive, workshops in the context of the Corporate Plan and consideration of separating when the workshops are held from the days Agency Board meetings are scheduled. The Planner also considers Board feedback about making the best use of Board time, the need to continue with public Agency Board meetings, and continuing to have alternate meetings on MS Teams and in person.

The Board also discussed last year the potential for a site visit in 2023 and the Chair has asked for consideration of the full Board participating in a visit around Bathing Waters (during the Bathing Waters season). This will be a move away from individual or a small number of board members doing visits, however Board Buddy meetings will continue, and any additional seminar sessions required could be ad hoc via MS Teams.

Proposed seminars and strategic items for Board consideration

The following seminars and strategic items for Board consideration are planned to the end of 2023 calendar year. Please note that they may be subject to change to consider any new priority work areas once the 2023-24 Annual Operating Plan (AOP) is approved by the Board in March 2023.

21 March Board Strategy (location: ASB)

  • Corporate Plan - Horizon Scanning and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Air Quality - progress with low emissions zones and local air quality management areas, and future areas of work and requirements for SEPA

25 April Agency Board (MS Teams) (No seminar session a.m)

  • Corporate Plan – progress update (format, style, key messages)
  • Bathing waters – preparing for the new season.

30 May Agency Board (location: ASB or site visit to Ayr)

  • Bathing Waters – possible site visit to Ayr Beach
  • Environmental Monitoring Plan

27 June Board Strategy (MS Teams)

  • Corporate Plan workshop (note that there will be no formal meeting)

25 July Agency Board (location: ASB)

  • Customer services – an interactive seminar session in the morning, including exploration with externals
  • Flooding Update
  • Water scarcity

6 September Board planning day (location: TIC – Strathclyde University)

  • To include Board effectiveness questionnaire
  • Corporate Plan - stakeholder workshop and consolidation.

26 September Agency Board (MS Teams) (NB Audit committee meeting moved to 12 September.)

  • Environment Minister visit to Agency Board (subject to on-going discussion with Scottish Government Sponsor)
  • Workforce planning
  • Aquaculture – Sea lice consultation.

24 October Strategy Board (location: ASB or another venue) (Note that there will be no formal meeting.)

  • Circular Economy – Deposit Return Scheme implementation update
  • Implications of the Integrated Authorisation Framework (IAF) in practice
  • Corporate Plan - measures and impact workshop.

28 November Agency Board (MS Teams) (No seminar session)

  • People Survey - results and action plan
  • Flooding update

12 December Board Strategy (venue: ASB or another venue) (Note that there will be no formal meeting)

  • Workshop on AOP 2024-25


The Board is asked to approve the paper planner for 2023.