Employee Driving Licence Checking, Health Declaration and Insurance Declaration
Section 1 - Scoping
Employee Driving Licence Checking, Health Declaration and Insurance Declaration
Beth Fotheringham
Fiona Mactaggart
Data Protection Impact Assessment completed
Section 2 - Screening
It is a requirement for every employer who requires their employees, including temporary employees, who drive as part of their work, to monitor their employees' entitlement to drive and verify the validity of their driving licences.
The requirement to verify an employees' eligibility to drive for business purposes is covered by the following legislation:
- Health and Safety at Work Act
- Road Traffic Act
- The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.
SEPA’s Equality Outcomes 2022-2026
- Outcome 1 – We have increased the number of people from currently underrepresented groups in our applicants, our staff and those who progress within the organisation.
- Outcome 2 – People with lived experience of inequality, related to a protected characteristic or socioeconomic status, access and use SEPA’s services without barriers.
- Outcome 3 – Staff with lived experience of inequality and barriers, and with a wide variety of needs, feel listened to and respected as SEPA meets those needs.
- Outcome 4 – We have decreased our gender pay gap and occupational segregation related to gender, disability, and ethnicity.
I do not believe that this relates to any of SEPA’s Equality Outcomes.
No this is not a major change in practice. Although this requirement for employers to verify the validity of employees driving licence for a number of years, SEPA have not implemented before now.
Once we have completed the first annual round of checks, this means that line managers will know which team members are eligible to undertake any driving on business. It will also highlight to employees who have allowed their driving licences to expire (photocards primarily) and need to take action.
This in turn will give employees confidence that they have had their licences checked and that they are covered by SEPA’s fleet insurance, when driving fleet and hires.
All operational teams and all employees who have claimed ABMS mileage in the last 12 months.
Based on team and function and Agresso data.
2.6 The Equality Act 2010 places a duty on public bodies to prevent discrimination in all aspects of service provision. It provides a clear and positive legal duty to eliminate discrimination and to ensure equality of opportunity and good relations between different groups.
Amongst your group of stakeholders are there any people who belong to the protected characteristic groups listed below who may be impacted, either positively or negatively, or do you believe there is a neutral impact?
Consider the three needs of the general duty for each Protected Characteristic in turn.
Table 1 - Public Sector Equality Duty - Screening tool
Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Equality Act. | Advance equal opportunities between people who have a protected characteristic and those who do not. | Foster good relations between people who have a protected characteristic and those who do not. | |
Age | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Disability | Negative | Neutral | Neutral |
Gender | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Marriage / civil partnership | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Pregnancy / Maternity | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Race | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Religion / belief | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Sex | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
Sexual orientation | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral |
2.7 SEPA as a public authority is obliged to ensure that our decisions and actions align with the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights.
Will the policy or practice engage or restrict a right or freedom under the Convention?
Table 2 - Human Rights consideration
Human Rights Act Article | Yes | No |
Article 2: Right to life | x | |
Article 3: Prohibition of torture | x | |
Article 4: Prohibition of slavery and forced labour | x | |
Article 5: Right to liberty and security | x | |
Article 6: Right to a fair trial | x | |
Article 7: No punishment without law | x | |
Article 8: Right to respect for private and family | x | |
Article 9: Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion | x | |
Article 10: Freedom of expression | x | |
Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association | x | |
Article 12: Right to Marry | x | |
Article 13: Right to an effective remedy | x | |
Article 14: Prohibition of discrimination | x | |
Protocol 1, Article 1: Protection of property | x | |
Protocol 1, Article 2: Right to Education | x | |
Protocol 1, Article 3: Right to free elections | x |
Section 3 - Full Assessment
• Eliminate unlawful conduct
• Advance equality of opportunity
• Foster good relations
The application of the policy is no different to how SEPA have to report health conditions of drivers who have conditions notifiable to the DVLA. For insurance purposes, we have to disclose conditions otherwise the employee driver is not covered by SEPA’s Fleet Insurance
Disability where the health condition is considered a disability
None. Any employee with a health condition notifiable to the DVLA and hence asked about on the Drivers Declaration will be familiar with the insurance requirements if they have or have had their own vehicle insurance. Without the disclosure, the insurance is likely to be invalidated and the employee driving as an uninsured driver.
Being able to provide assurance that the required information has been disclosed to the insurer and that they are eligible to drive.
These are standard questions for anyone seeking to obtain insurance to drive.
Section 4 - Continuous monitoring and improvement
Option 1: No major change
Your assessment demonstrates that the policy or practice is robust. The evidence shows no potential for:
• less favourable treatment of particular groups, indirect discrimination, victimisation, harassment, and that you have taken all opportunities to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations; nor
• restriction of Convention rights or freedoms.
The policy or practice builds in reasonable adjustments where these may be needed. In reaching this conclusion, you should document the reasons why and the evidence used to support your decision.
The EqHRIA is a living document and should be reviewed and updated to ensure you have captured the changes that have been made because of the implementation of your policy or practice. Set a realistic goal for you to check back in with your assessment, to see if things are going the way you expected
Date for the Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment review.
Section 5 - Sign off
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