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  • Media contacts

Media contacts

For any media enquiries relating to SEPA please use the media team contacts below. Please note that these details should only be used by the media. We cannot guarantee that other enquiries sent to the media team will be answered.

SEPA News Desk

During office hours (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm):

Outside office hours SEPA runs an emergency only out of hours service for the media. Please contact  01698 582 350 to speak to the Duty Press Officer. Please note the media email box is not monitored out of hours. 

Access to information and Freedom of Information

Requests made under Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs) are not handled by the media team. To submit a request for information under FOISA or the EIRs, please contact our Access to Information team via email.

More information on accessing information through FOIS, the EIRs and other routes is available on our website. You may also find the following pages particularly useful.


Requests for all information held by SEPA, including environmental data, should be directed through our Access to Information team.

If you are a student journalist and want to interview someone from SEPA, please be aware that we cannot usually accommodate your requests, especially at times when there is a particular operational demand on our experts (such as during flooding).

If you have questions you would like written answers to we may be able to help if you give us plenty of notice. Please email the media team.

Public enquiries

If you are concerned about a potential or ongoing pollution incident, please contact our 24 hour pollution hotline on 0800 80 70 60 or use our online reporting form.

For information on flooding please use our Floodline number 0345 988 1188

For all other enquiries please use the contact page on our website.