Board and Committee calendar of meeting January 2024 - March 2025
- Tuesday 13th - Audit and Risk Committee, finance (am) MS Teams
- Thursday 22nd - Induction/ planning day (in person)
- Tuesday 27th - Seminar (am) and Public Board (pm) MS Teams
- Tuesday 12th - People and Remuneration Committee (am) MS Teams
- Tuesday 19th - Audit and Risk Committee meeting (am) In person
- Tuesday 16th - Public Board (pm) in person
- Tuesday 30th - People and Remuneration Committee (am) MS Teams
- Tuesday 14th - Audit and Risk Committee, finance (am) MS Teams
- Tuesday 28th - Public Board (pm) MS Teams
- Tuesday 11th - Audit and Risk Committee (am)/ workshop (pm) in person
- Tuesday 25th - Visit (am) and Public Board (pm) in personĀ
- Tuesday 30th - Audit and Risk Committee meeting (am) MS Teams
- Tuesday 27 - People and Remuneration Committee (am) MS Teams.
- Tuesday 3rd - Strategy/ planning day In person
- Monday 9th - Audit and Risk Committee, including finance (pm) MS Teams
- Tuesday 24th - Public Board (pm) MS Teams
- Tuesday 29th - People and Remuneration Committee (am) MS Teams
- Monday 11th - Audit and Risk Committee, finance (am) MS Teams
- Tuesday 26th - Seminar (am) and Public Board (pm) in person
- Tuesday 10th - Audit and Risk Committee (am) MS Teams
- Thursday 30th - Strategy day (in person)
- Tuesday 25th - Public Board (pm) MS Teams
- Tuesday 25th - Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee (ARAC) meeting (am)