Class 7: How SEPA is performing
Here you will find information about how SEPA performs as an organisation, and how well it delivers its functions and services.
External reports
External reports e.g., annual report, performance statements required by statue (e.g., section 32 of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 if applicable:
- Refer to our Annual Report. The latest version of this document is available on Our performance page.
Performance indicators and performance against them
SEPA reports on its performance against key targets to the Agency Board on both an annual and quarterly bases. Performance reports can be viewed on Our performance page.
Mainstreaming equality reports
Mainstreaming Equality Reports produced under the Equality Act 2010 (specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, as amended:
SEPA's Equality mainstreaming and outcome progress report 2017:
- Mainstreaming Public Sector Equality Duty (page 12)
- Equality outcome (page 38 and action plan page 40)
- Equality Outcomes Progress (page 19)
- Public Sector Equality Duty (page 30)
- SEPA Board Members and Diversity (page 10)
- Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay (page 34 and 35)
This document is available on our Equality and human rights page.
Equality Impact Assessments
Equality Impact Assessments produced under the Equality Act 2012 (specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, as amended:
SEPA's equality impact assessments for all our relevant policies and projects covering the protected characteristics . This ensures that we also meet the general public sector equality duty giving due regard to the elimination of discrimination, the advancement of equality of opportunity and the fostering of good relations.